Character Quality - Orderliness - from A Book in Time

Published on 4 December 2022 at 11:51

Be Orderly


25 - Orderliness

Orderliness may be considered an art of keeping "thoughts and things" organized, clutter-free and systematic. It involves taking time to be aware of your surroundings and having them arranged carefully, logically, appealingly, and methodically. Set a type of standard for everyday activities and be free of clutter and distractions where possible. Is your workspace properly arranged and fixtures located for the most efficiency? Are amenities properly located? Are your files and projects organized in such a way as to maximize the greatest efficiency? Think about your work and home spaces. Where can you make changes to achieve greater effectiveness? Do you make your bed every day? Do you have a routine or systematic approach in any of your daily venues? Do you set an orderly example for others to follow? There are many benefits of being orderly.


Benefits of Being Orderly:

  • Efficiency.  Spend time planning. By being organized, you are able to use your time more efficiently. Projects are completed quicker and with less hassle, as there is minimal confusion when there is a systematic process. The resulting work is more effective as it has been streamlined and reduced clutter. There is less room for error from distractions, and you are more likely to produce the desired result. There is a higher probability of a successful outcome when there is order.
  • Collaboration.  Order your thoughts to communicate clearly. When avoidable distractions are curbed, one can work in collaboration with others. There is a smooth ability to share participation with transparency. With organization, there can be an open exchange of information and cooperation. Imagine if you were in a position to choose a company to partner with for an elaborate project. One was organized and transparent, while the other was disheveled and muddled. Rhetorically speaking, which company would your invite to join as a partner? Look at your own business, family, or affairs in general. Which format do they most closely resemble? Are there any changes that need to be made?
  • Organization.  Being orderly generally leads to being organized, tidy, and clutter-free, which maximizes efficiency. Successful people are organized people. Look for ways to be consistent with repeatable processes within your company or family. A systematic approach will lead to order and even more accuracy, as a degree of predictability will be involved. Just remember to keep the atmosphere fun and energized!
  • Clear Vision.  It is difficult to see clearly if your mind and space are haphazard and disarray. Keep spaces tidy and bring organization to any confusion. Make it a habit of being orderly and kempt, keeping everything neat, clean, and systematic. This directs focus and attention toward your vision, goals, and productivity. Where there is orderliness, there will be clarity. Clarity leads to an open mind with imagination and free-flowing thoughts.
  • Health benefits.  Less stress and anxiety occur when your mind and environment are clutter-free and in order. You are more peaceful and able to cope with unexpected obstacles more diligently and with a level head. You can stay organized, be mindfully aware of your body, mind, and soul and nourish the needs of each, and enjoy light and uplifting positive energy.
  • Perceived intelligence.  While there may be a few brilliant people who work in a state of clutter, generally, someone who is systematic and methodical is perceived as astute and alert. They are sharp, intelligent, and wise in their decisions and choices. Decluttering mental or physical space is exhausting if not addressed as it occurs. An orderly person does not waste time in confusion or an avoidable distraction. They address things immediately and are efficient, perceived as savvy, skilled, and resourceful.
  • Better relationships.  You can better focus on serving others, and develop close and meaningful relationships when you are in the habit of working in harmony with others. When you work systematically, taking that of others into consideration, you build a solid foundation of business and personal relationships. There is a uniformity in character and coordination of efforts. When you work closely with others, you learn to balance your environment and share participation methodically. There is an order to your plans and actions.


When considering orderliness, also consider the precise order of the world around us by examing the "Golden Ratio" or the fibonacci sequence.


It is important to be organized, orderly and identify your priorities, aligning them with your values. Then, based on these priorities, establish a plan to organize your day. Make it "refreshingly repeatable," if possible. When finished with an item, put it away immediately. Keep your physical space clutter-free, as well as your mental space. Reduce time spent on time-wasting activities. Align your time with the priorities you identified. But be sure not to eliminate downtime and true restful relaxation. Have you ever noticed if you tend to the dishes in the sink, wash and put them away promptly, clutter is avoided; yet, if the dishes start to pile up, you feel compelled to avoid the sink, look the other way, and before you know it, there is a sink and counter overflowing with dirty dishes, and a mind building with clutter and frustration? Your workspace is no different. If phone calls, emails, texts, mail, etc., are responded to immediately and even systematically. Files are returned when completed, and your physical space is orderly; you work more efficiently with a higher probability of achieving maximum success. Establish a system of order in your professional, personal, and spiritual domains. Make sure it is organized yet fun and captivatingly inspiring.



I am a big believer that orderliness begets wealth.” Suze Orman


Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit. William Pollard


All nature has come to expect from God a sense of orderliness. Whatever God does carries with it His fingerprint. And in the world around us His fingerprint of orderliness is evident to anybody who is honest with the facts. If you look at nature, you will discover a mathematical exactness. Without this precision, the entire world would be in utter confusion. One plus one always equals two no matter what part of the universe you happen to be in. And the laws of nature operate in beautiful harmony, a harmony that is ordered by God Himself.” 

Alden Wilson Tozer


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