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TJ Gardiner
9 days ago

Dr Jill Fandrich won me over once again with her book Success Is Ele-Mental! Running a health club type business for 40 years I always felt understood people was one of my gifts. Leadership was one of my stronger qualitiesI had good success dealing with most employees along with keeping them happy. BUT, I wasn’t always so happy myself! There were many a night I could not sleep worrying if they would leave or not give 100% taking advantage of my kindness and easy going personality. After reading Dr Jill’s book I’m just amazed on how little I know about the art of dealing with people. The magnificent thing is she makes it easy improve. Dr Jill does a wonderful job of expanding on her book ‘Elevate Your Mind To Success’ and goes in depth on becoming a true leader. My favorite is Part 2 on ‘Fifty Character Qualities’, you will learn what makes an exceptional leader and how to easily apply these principles. This book is for everyone and anyone that wanted to improve their way of dealing with relationships. Whether with family, your business, work or neighbors relationships can be very hard with difficult people. It can be draining when we try to love on them, give true compassion for them and their needs and they show you just the opposite! By applying what you learn in this book you can turn the once dreaded encounter into a pleasant and rewarding experience! This book can is life changing!

Dr. C
21 days ago

This is a fantastic book for personal development.
I have read all of Dr. Jill’s books and have listened to the audio books as well.
Elevate Your Mind to Success is the pivotal or fundamental book in her series because I believe it gets to the core of the matter in life. It is very well written and organized and causes the reader to do action to change their lives for the better. As the title suggests, to be successful in all aspects of your life, one must start with decluttering your mind of any negative old programs that may have influenced you negatively in the past. Dr. Jill’s topics in the book deal with finances, spiritual, business, and personal relationships of family, friends , and acquaintances, to name a few. The number one reason I believe this book is unique is that brings in the Biblical spiritual insights of scripture into your daily life with application of how to live and have an impact in your life situations and the world around you. Jill’s book has the ability to inspire, challenge, and motivate the reader not only to reprogram one’s mind to excellence, but to equip one with the skills to think critically and be as she states in the book- “Life is You”; the highest of level of consciousness which allows you to have a tremendous impact in the people and world around you as you abide in Christ and fulfill your purpose in life.
I give this book my highest A+ recommendation and is a must read for personal development.
I also listened to the audio book while commuting 45 minutes every day to work. It provides a wonderful review of all these concepts I learned by reading the book.

Dr. C
2 months ago

I had reviewed Dr. Jill’s book Success is Ele-Mental in a previous review. Today I want to focus on my favorite of all her books- Who Connects Your Dots- Medically Speaking. I have been a health care professional provider for many years. Dr. Jill has many emphases in this book, but the key for me is her insights to help develop one’s personal skills in critical thinking as a professional. We have all have been trained to provide the best healthcare for our patients, but somehow in the last few years, we have fallen victim to propaganda, false information, lies, deception by agencies whom we used to trust like our medical journals and societies and now Big Pharma. In this book ( as in all of her books), Jill asks both rhetorical and personal questions on every page that gets you to think for yourself. Jill doesn’t tell you what to think, but more importantly- how to think critically. If we really believe in the Hippocratic Oath we all took, then we must always put the health and welfare about every other distraction that is thrown at us. Dr. Jill’s book gives us a very complete and thorough analysis of not only past historical methods , but current events on ways we are been manipulated into providing wrong healthcare to our patients. Dr. Jill’s training in pharmacology gives us extra insights into proper treatment of our patients we have been entrusted with.
I give this book an A+ as well. It is extremely well written and insightful and should make a big difference in the reader’s daily life. I also listened to the audio book and it gives extra emphasis that adds immensely to the book that you don’t receive by reading it only.

Dr. C
2 months ago

I have read all five of Dr. Jill’s books and her two books on Covid prevention and look forward to her next book of When Leaders Don’t Lead. I personally read 3-4 books per week and I have found her books to be most outstanding of all the books I read. What separates Dr. Jill’s writings from others is that she engages the reader in critical thinking skills throughout every chapter and pages of all her books by asking questions.
I want to concentrate this review on the second book of her Trilogy book series called Success is Ele- Mental. This trilogy is a 3 step process for developing both personal and professional growth.
As a business leader and health care professional provider, Success is Ele- Mental helps me to develop strong leadership skills and critical thinking to my every day personal and professional life. One of the keys to this book is her identification and explanation of Godly character qualities that I look for and try to develop not only in myself, but in my employees, friends, staff, and students in my classroom that I teach. These skills taught in her book will enhance relationships and allow greater success in one’s life.
I give these books a maximum A+ rating and review

2 months ago

I am so impressed with Dr Jill Fandrich she is now my FAVORITE Author! I can not wait to read her next book Success is Ele-mental and all the rest! Through her book Elevate, Dr Fandrich was able to help me understand much more about myself, people, the workplace and the world around me! Within the first few first pages I was eager to take note and continued throughout the book, I never want to do take notes! From the beginning she helped me realize how many people have influenced me in my lifetime. Many were not good and now I'm more aware of how to take out the bad thinking and put in the GOOD! Even how to avoid those she calls Toxic People that can hurt you. Believe me there is so much more in this book that can help a person! For me as a Christian Dr Jill shows the biblical background in every chapter, I just love that in a book! I give Dr Jill and her book an A+!!!

Kami Auld
5 months ago

Hi Jill: We met at the conference last week. Your email and phone were not on the card you gave me. Just letting you know I ordered Elevate Your Mind to Success. I am hoping we will keep in contact. Kami Auld, MPT. 941.456.8637. Kamiami@comcast.net

Bruce Anderson
2 years ago

I have followed this blog for the last month and have read all three books- Secrets, Apothecary, and now Declutter. I have found that the blogging author has captured the essence of a good blog in that he has reviewed the book and has added any disagreement with book's author. But more importantly has added his own personal section at the end (PPS)- Professional, Personal, and Spiritual . A non-fictional book like Declutter lends itself to a good discussion format. The blogging author has broken down each chapter into parts or smaller sections which can be discussed in smaller group settings such as a class room, monthly book review or even amongst friends. In my opinion for a non-fictional book to be effective it must have practical and transformational value that can change lives. I believe this blog author has made this a matter of focus. His PPS has reflected personal life stories without getting into specific details. It has been very enjoyable for me to be a daily reader of this blog and I will continue to do so. I hope others have and will enjoy this blog as much as I have. To the blogging author- keep up the good works and I wish you much success.

Paul Jensen
2 years ago

I am a medical professional and I read about 2 books per week and have over 2000 books in my personal library. Almost all my reading is non-fiction. However, I came across this web site as the author was discussing or previewing a fictional novel- The Lost Apothecary. I found that this was so well written and it caused me to have a curiosity to read the novel because of the mystery and intrigue contained within it. I immediately purchased the book and found it to be extremely rewarding and a fun book to read with a twist at the end. Because of this web site, I will most likely continue to follow the author and read the recommended books suggested. The book description was so well written that I can tell it was written by a professional writer. I read many books and reviews and abstracts in my profession, but this writing is superb! Thank you for getting me interested in fictional books. I am looking forward all kinds of books that will be presented here.

Bertha Hamilton
2 years ago

I was an English teacher for years and I am very much impressed with your writing skills. You bring a fun flare for book reviews with clear, precise, and concise reviews. I look forward to reading future book reviews. Keep up the good work!

Lena Olson
2 years ago

I do a lot of 500 piece and 1000 piece puzzles. I really like the board for puzzles. I always had a problem building and storing the puzzles, but I see the possibility of having a very attractive board for both building and storing my puzzles. I like to display my finish products and not take them down so quickly after I have completed them. I think you are on to something with these puzzle boards. They are very attractive and I am sure they will display my work well. When do you anticipate having the web site completed so I may order a board?

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