A Book in Time

Meet Dr. Jill

Dr. Jill is a passionate advocate for natural living. She blends her expertise in holistic medicine with a deep respect for the environment. Through her unique approach, she empowers you to prioritize your well-being by embracing sustainable, nature-inspired practices for a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Jill's Approach

Dr. Jill's unwavering compassion and guidance empower you to embark on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle, transforming your well-being one step at a time with grace and understanding. Her approach combines empathy and expertise to inspire positive changes that resonate deeply, paving the way for sustainable habits and improved self-care.



Join Dr. Jill on an enlightening journey toward a healthier lifestyle as you uncover the secrets to optimal well-being through her guidance. Get ready to transform your habits, mindset, and overall health with Dr. Jill's expertise and personalized approach. Whether you choose one-on-one coaching, discovery through her books, or the new online Positive Lifestyle Changes for Better Living course, your journey is just beginning.

Contact Dr. Jill today!

Are you where you want to be in life?

Are you as healthy as you desire to be?

Are your thoughts weighing you down?

Are you ready for some changes?


"I believe Dr. Jill's books are some of the best I have read and studied for personal and professional development. They challenge me to transform my mind to possess positive thinking and critical thinking skills and not to succumb to the culture of conformity."

Dr. Craig

"This is a great expanded version of what I've learned over the last 75 years. It is a map to identify incoming information, so you not only know what you believe...but why. This is an addition to your toolbox that will serve you well for a lifetime."

Will B.

"Dr. Jill has truly flipped my thinking 180 degrees through her books, especially my first read, Elevate Your Mind to Success. I have had such an amazing turnaround, and I feel she has given me a new life! I highly suggest getting started on all Dr. Jill's information ASAP!"

Todd G.