Chapter 6, part 3: Declutter Your Mind from A Book in Time

Published on 19 September 2022 at 15:36

According to Tiffany:

Maintaining Trust

It all starts when you take a moment and think about things from the other party's perspective. You must first build their trust and be willing to understand their trust patterns.

- trusting someone takes time; it is earned along with respect and honesty

- think first before you act too quickly

- be empathetic toward others

- be honest about your feelings

- always make sure you do what's best for you; trust your gut and stay firm with your morals and boundaries

- take responsibility for your actions; don't blame others; admit your mistakes and apologize without justifying that you are wrong


People grow strong and healthy relationships by feeling like they can relate to one another.


If someone has broken your trust, it can be difficult to trust them again. It would involve building self-trust to forgive and move on from the experience.


A Book in Time's Commentary:




You are responsible for yourself and your own success. According to, “Making excuses for failures or choices in life, instead of taking 100% responsibility for your actions, your thoughts and goals are classic symptoms of people who fail to succeed, both in their professional lives and personal lives”. Responsibility is taking ownership of how your choices influence your outcomes. When you take responsibility, you learn to manage your time, expectations, your employees if you are in charge, your immediate surroundings, your decisions, and, therefore, your outcomes. It automatically builds your character.


Being responsible means not letting yourself become overwhelmed or take on too many tasks. This would divide your time, thereby decreasing productivity and the quality of your work.  This would also lead to a high degree of stress and anxiety. Rather, you take the initiative and tackle projects immediately, assuring no time is squandered senselessly. You give your best for each task you perform, and rather than excuses for challenges that occur, you discover solutions and problem-solving techniques. You are willing to objectively look at the outcomes resulting from your choices, behaviors, and actions and own each of them.


Taking responsibility for your life is taking charge of your life and becoming the main character,” rather than being a victim of circumstance, according to You have the ability to create your own circumstances and how you will respond to the situations you encounter. Blaming others should never occur and is not even considered by a successful person. Taking responsibility becomes a key expression of independence. What matters is your attitude, which you have the authority to choose, as well as your thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.


It’s only when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you really are.

Allanah Hunt.


In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.

Eleanor Roosevelt.



Successful people are accountable to someone, even if it’s a chosen accountability partner, such as a friend or coworker. Being accountable to someone is a method that acts as a type of "conscience" and positively impacts both professional and personal development. Knowing you are accountable to someone else, you will feel inspired to work more diligently, efficiently, carefully, "committedly," and even honestly.There is less room for wavering temptation or procrastination.


In addition, an accountability partner could serve as a guide or mentor to run ideas by for a second opinion or critique your production and help eliminate errors or inconsistencies. Even as a child, it was well known that when someone else was watching you, you tried harder, worked longer, extended yourself more, increased your abilities, expanded your effort, and followed through more often than when you were alone. And when paired up with an accountability partner, you are never alone. The camaraderie with a like-minded friend or group of friends creates contentment and confidence. It raises your energy level, providing both physical and mental health benefits and a means of personal and professional growth.


A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.

Thomas Paine


You can’t talk about leadership without talking about responsibility and accountability…you can’t separate the two. A leader must delegate responsibility and provide the freedom to make decisions, and then be held accountable for the results.

Buck Rodgers


No individual can achieve worthy goals without accepting accountability for his or her own actions.

Dan Miller



Be Intentional

Being intentional means committing to “living a more present life aligned with your core values,” according to It is a lifestyle based on your values and priorities.


Some benefits of being intentional are:

1.)  You are more present

2.)  You have healthier and happier relationships

3.)  You are aligned with your values

4.)  You create healthy boundaries

5.)  You communicate more confidently

6.)  You create better emotional and mental health

7.)  You have better physical health


Being intentional goes hand-in-hand with being responsible and accountable. You become more aware of how you speak to others and treat them. You are more aware of how you communicate with others, positively affecting your relationships. You can say no when appropriate and identify relationships or situations that drain your energy. You live a more peaceful life because your decisions align with your values, and you can better accept the outcomes of situations knowing this. When you start living intentionally, you stop blaming others and reacting defensively and begin to take control of what you can and let go of what you cannot control.


Live less out of habit, and more out of intent.



Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.

Richie Norton




If you are considered trustworthy, you are a valuable and reliable person. It means you take responsibility for your actions and are dependable. Trustworthiness can be proven by keeping your word and honoring your commitments. Your word is a promise that you will or will not do something you say, and others know you will follow through on that promise. According to, “Many people openly admit that their opinion of another individual is largely based on whether or not that individual is able to keep his word.”


In order to develop deep relationships with other like-minded people, you must be reliable and trustworthy with them. Trust itself is a vital building block in relationships, professionally, personally, and spiritually. Therefore, the lack of trust could lead to the deterioration of any relationship. According to, “Jesus calls us to trust Him, and to let go of having to control the outcome of every situation. When we do that, we will have joy, even in challenging circumstances”. This requires a conscious emotional detachment and letting go of the need to control the outcome of every situation. Do not worry…,” Matthew 6:25. Trust is a choice. Being trustworthy is also a choice. You can choose to be a positive, trustworthy force by being reliable, compassionate, honest, confidential, considerate, and intentional. It is a continual trait, not an endpoint, and takes daily attention and maintenance. If an apology is needed, pursue this immediately before bitter feelings become rooted. Avoid gossip or misleading conversations, or any other kind of deceitful nature. As Mark Twain said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”


People that have trust issues only need to look in the mirror. There they will meet the one person that will betray them the most.”

Shannon L. Alder.


When God takes out the trash, don’t go digging back through it. Trust Him.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana


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