Chapter 2, part 1: Declutter Your Mind from A Book in Time

Published on 3 September 2022 at 20:44

According to Tiffany:

Author Tiffany begins Chapter Two by discussing the link between stress and negative thinking, and mental clutter. Thoughts and emotions affect behavior. Thoughts are from your experiences; then, they are labeled as good or bad. They become beliefs that determine how you feel. You may act on impulse if your emotions take over. Negative thinking blocks your logical reasoning; then, you take impulsive actions as a method to fix the issue.


Thoughts may be the root of most of your problems. You must practice skills in order to retain what you want to learn. Steve Maraboli said, "Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it." What you think about will ultimately sway your outcome, making it your possible current reality.


Dissociation is your brain's way of telling you that enough is enough, and it shuts down, disconnecting you from what is happening and putting thoughts aside without dealing with them. It shuts down as a coping mechanism against the surrounding negativity. Learning grounding techniques can help with dissociation and snap you back to reality.


Tiffany says the ultimate way to avoid being diagnosed with this type of disorder is to stop avoiding your thoughts.


A Book in Time's Commentary:


Professionally:  Some careers may require quick and impulsive actions. For example, a nurse or doctor in an ER may need to respond in a split second on a decision to save another person's life. Their reaction is not thought out and analyzed at that moment. Rather, years and years of studying, reading, and applying skills in advance through internships and clinicals were required to program the clinician's minds. So, their responses were already determined from the advanced training when presented with an emergent situation. Their minds already contained the correct response required for the life-saving moment. This is a wise practice to undertake in any career path. Focus on how to be the best and most informed you can be at whatever your work entails.  Educate yourself on all aspects of the position and program your mind on these supportive and empowering thoughts. Experiences you encounter in your field will be added to the programming. Hence, you need to isolate the experiences and determine if they benefit a successful outcome. If they are not, observe the experience and give it some attention, then acknowledge why this is not helpful to the situation and choose to replace the thought with a constructive and productive thought instead. Thinking positive thoughts and replacing negative thoughts is a skill that must be practiced and repeated in order to make it a permanent fixture in the files of your mind.


Personally:  It takes time and practice to change your thoughts and your way of thinking. The more you take the time to do this, the more "mental muscle" you will build. Even your own self-talk will impact how you behave or feel. Psychology Today says, "Training your brain to think differently physically changes your brain." If done properly, this training could help create long-lasting changes. "Negative predictions tend to turn into self-fulfilled prophecies and exaggeratedly negative action," suggests Psychology Today. The surrounding environment also significantly affects your feelings and opinions about yourself. However, your thoughts are not reality. They are just "thoughts." This recognition is the first step in changing these unsupportive thoughts. Take the negative thoughts and reword or reframe them into a positive twist or favorable response instead. You could even begin journaling about these negative thoughts and pair them up with a positive counterclaim to replace them. Analyze what you wrote and ask yourself the truth about each written item. Counter each negative thought with one or more favorable and empowering comments about yourself. Be kind to yourself as you purge the negativism from your mind. Be gentle as you learn new ways of self-talk. And be compassionate as you would be to your best friend or loved one. Understand that sometimes you see a distorted picture of reality, as the shape of your psychological map depends on the experiences and filters of your past. Do not let this be an obstacle to change and positive growth.


Spiritually:  "Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life" from William Blake. While God is the only one in full control of your life, you still need to take responsibility for your thoughts and own and control them. You are responsible for capturing and isolating your thoughts and clearing away unproductive and harmful ones, and instead, replacing them with empowering, productive and encouraging representations. Give close attention to what is helpful and nourishing. "Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. God has given each of us our own individual purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from" from Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Let the Holy Spirit lift you and exude the positive energy that flows from empowering and elevated thoughts. Make the thoughts obedient to your command.


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