Chapter 2, part 2: Declutter Your Mind from A Book in Time

Published on 4 September 2022 at 17:46

According to Tiffany:

Author Tiffany says that the stress response is your body's way of protecting you when there is a perceived threat. Stress is not all bad; it can help you defeat your weaknesses, rise against all odds, and keep you on your toes.  Chronic stress is a constant feeling of being unable to relax and a belief that you cannot escape from the issues in your life. You must learn how to react to dramatic scenarios, says Tiffany.


Things to consider when facing stress symptoms:

     - the people in your life

     - the ability to control; you control your life

     - confidence and positivity

     - emotions


Some ideas from Tiffany are to learn to meditate. Exercise is also a good release. You should have a connection with others.


Tiffany then begins to list some of the chemical reactions involved in a stress response, such as releasing adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine. The systems involved are the limbic and parasympathetic nervous systems, also known as the fight-or-flight systems. These chemicals and systems may increase your heart rate and make you feel more awake, focused, and aware. Once the threat has subsided, the hormones could take about half an hour to return to normal. Sometimes it could take up to a few days.


More of Tiffany's thoughts on this topic are included in her book, Declutter Your Mind.


A Book in Time's Commentary:


Professionally:  Sometimes, it may be difficult to break away from your work...or "work mode." Often, even when you are away from the office, your mind still takes up space there. This may lead to a chronically stressful state of mind. The higher levels of awareness may bring about some new ideas or possibly even some resolve to an uncertain concern in the short term. However, if this stress level is permitted to continue, it may lead to neurotoxic effects of stress hormones on the brain. "This fight-or-flight response is responsible for the outward physical reactions most people associate with stress, including increased heart rate, heightened senses, a deeper intake of oxygen, and the rush of adrenaline. Finally, a hormone called cortisol is released, which helps to restore the energy lost in the response" from The buildup of cortisol may have long-term problematic effects on the brain. Thus, numerous health problems may be a result of chronic stress. Consistent high cortisol levels may affect the brain's ability to function properly. If left unattended for any length of time, the high cortisol levels may even kill brain cells or decrease brain size. "Chronic stress has a shrinking effect on the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning" Additional effects may include high blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, and diabetes, to name a few. It is important to identify a strategy, or strategies, to support your mental health and decrease stress in the workplace. While feeling some degree of work stress is unavoidable, there are ways to minimize work stress. The first step is awareness. Observe if you are becoming more pessimistic, exhausted, or exhibiting obvious physical signs of stress, such as headaches, sweating, or a rapid heart rate. You could journal the triggers and isolate when and why they have occurred. Interject intentional breaks and reprieves throughout your day and deliberately give your brain some downtime. Preventatively, providing your body and mind with adequate sleep is vital. Your body heals best while you sleep; it is also the prime time to re-energize. You will find your brain actually functions on a higher level after an adequate and refreshing sleep. It is also important to balance work with personal time for yourself and enjoy social time with friends and family. Observe any negative thoughts and evaluate if there is any truth to them. Replace them with positive and supportive thoughts. Stay connected with your loved ones and take proper care of yourself. Soothing music can reduce anxiety and stress, improve focus, and has even been known to heal. Take some time to get the blood flowing in abundance to all your body's cells by undertaking some form of exercise, even if it is a brisk walk around the office or a few jumping jacks. And there is an abundance of relaxation or meditation methods to choose from to help refocus the mind to a higher frequency. And, of course, take time for yourself and your family. Enjoy a vacation or even a "stay-cation." Just make sure you allow yourself to find an appropriate stopping point from your project, so you can release your brain from these thoughts, let go and disengage your mind from clutter—one final suggestion...avoid gossip by the water cooler...or anywhere else. Gossiping isolates you and is just bad character. It is a poor reflection of yourself and leads to distrust and increased levels of anxiety and self-loathing. Gossiping about others will lead to hurting others and especially yourself. And after all, if people you are conversing with are gossiping poorly about someone else, imagine what they say about you. Be confident enough to avoid this practice and be the light and example for others to be drawn toward.


Personally:  Pessimistic, or 'toxic' people, are incredibly and perpetually destructive. Can you think of one or two people in your life who stand out as always being negative or seen as a victim? They aren't accountable to anyone and are quick to blame others for their problems. They are manipulative and will not own their own feelings. How do you feel when you are around them? Like an infection, the negative energy surrounding them may be contagious and seep into your own state of being. Pessimists are actually creating their lives as a result of self-fulfilling prophesies. First of all, make sure you are not part of the problem! There may be toxic areas in you that need to be addressed. Identify any negative thoughts and beliefs, then challenge, reframe, and replace them. Avoid any toxic person that you possibly can and eliminate contact with them from your life. In some situations, that may not be possible. If this is the case, attempt to emotionally distance yourself from them and limit exposure to them. When you are close enough to be affected by their demeanor, be aware, resist negativism, and hold strong to your focused optimism. Control and filter your environment. "Always beware of the people you allow in your energy space. Some might contaminate your energy to a point of no return.  Meditate, stay prayed up" from


Spiritually:  Positivity is something that should be practiced. Doing so makes your hardships lessened, and a favorable consciousness is promoted. Showing gratitude is an effective way to enhance positivity and improve your spiritual health. Learning to think positively leads to positive, favorable energy, which may result in more opportunities and loving relationships. It is possible to influence your energy consciously. " When that energy is high frequency, it's a positive energy field. " A positive energy field favorably influences your chances of success, wealth, love, or any other favorable advancement. Embrace and align yourself with this positive energy field. Deliberately make an effort to find goodness. Raise your vibrations and embrace abundance. "The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have" from Norman Vincent Peale. Again, as mentioned previously, Tiffany states, "You control your life," it is not to be taken out of context as a form of "self-reliance." Rather, you should focus on the powerful impact of your thoughts.  


"For as he thinks in his heart, so he is."  

Proverbs 23:7 NKJV


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