A look at: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (cont)

Published on 7 August 2022 at 17:28

DECLARATION 8:  "I commit to being rich."

According to Harv:

T. Harv Eker states that rich people are committed to being rich. And that poor people are indecisive. "You always get what you subconsciously want," Harv states. What is it that you want?  Poor people either don't want wealth or are unwilling to do what it takes to get it. What do you choose? Harv says to say aloud, "I choose to be rich," and "I commit to being rich," the warrior's way...unreservedly. Believe in your heart of hearts that you can affect your position of wealth and be rich, and you can achieve it. Once you do commit, make a full effort to follow through. Harv suggests writing down two financial objectives demonstrating your intentions to create abundance, not mediocracy. Write play-to-win goals for the income and the net worth you desire. Set achievable goals with a realistic time frame, yet shoot for the stars.


A Book in Time's Commentary:


Professionally:  I have chosen to commit to being rich. I choose to be rich. Focusing on this as a reality has allowed my thoughts to flow toward progress to achieve these goals continuously. It is a form of motivation. These thoughts are both conscious and subconscious. I have set my own realistic goals and have a defined time frame in which to achieve them.


Personally:  I recall Brian Tracy saying, "Feeling listless? Make a list". I have always found this to be true and believe that writing down lists or steps to take to reach certain goals, even and especially on a daily goal basis, almost if not always assures a most productive outcome. As I allow my goals to grow bigger, I simply need to expand my lists to meet the objectives necessary for advancement. Keep dreaming big!


Spiritually:  As our minds become focused on a higher goal, a goal that is considered a positive one with pure intentions, our thoughts begin to flood in abundance to affect ways to make this new commitment a reality. Whatever we focus and meditate on occupies our minds and allows the processing of this concept in both conscious and subconscious ways, allowing new thoughts and ideas that could help accelerate and enhance the object of focus.


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