Chapter 7, part 6: Declutter Your Mind from A Book in Time

Published on 26 September 2022 at 19:49

According to Tiffany:

Get rid of digital clutter. Digital clutter adds to mental clutter, adding to more unhealthy habits and down-spiraling worries.


List of things you can do to help alleviate distress:

1.)  Unsubscribe from unimportant news.

2.)  Take charge of your inbox.

3.)  Organize and declutter your box.

4.)  Go through your apps and uninstall the ones you don't use.

5.)  Delete your downloads.

6.)  Turn off distracting notifications.

7.)  Take a look at your web browsers.  Remove unimportant data.  Remove plugins or extensions.  Clear cache.

8.)  Limit your screen time.


A Book in Time's Commentary:




With working remotely being in greater proportions now than ever before, sometimes it is difficult to break away from digital devices, as they are increasingly a part of our daily lifestyles. The content that third parties are inundating us with is frustrating and unneeded stimuli, which can impact your health, decrease productivity and even put your personal information at risk. According to, "On average, workers spend forty-five minutes a day searching through digital information that they need to do their jobs." This can be just as anxiety-inducing as regular clutter.


Some negative effects of digital stimuli include:

- slows down devices

- heightens stress levels

- increases cybersecurity risks

- impacts the environment

- lowers productivity


Therefore, by organizing your digital space and eliminating what is unnecessary, you may reverse any of the negative effects mentioned above. shares seven tips for keeping your devices organized:

1.)  If you don't use it, delete it.

2.)  Rename documents to make them easy to find.

3.)  Remove multiple versions of the same document.

4.)  Clean out your archive of unneeded documents and files regularly.

5.)  Be strategic about browser bookmarks.

6.)  Put all documents and files in well-named folders.

7.)  Download helpful apps or tools to organize.


And as much as possible, break away or even shut down electronic devices when you can. Give your eyes, hands, and mind time to be free of electronic activity. Always be aware of the example you are setting for children regarding time on electronics. Sometimes this is extremely difficult if your career involves a considerable amount of laptop or phone time.


Remember to "get moving." It is easy to get tied into a project on the computer only to realize a few hours have passed. Stand up, move around, stretch your muscles, and get your blood circulating.


"You're only as young as your spine is flexible."

 Joseph Pilates


"Even if you don't have time for a big workout, stretching in the morning and night really changes your body."  

Erin Heatherton



More and more people are displaying side effects from using technology. Two of the negative outcomes are repetitive motion and poor posture. According to, " The repetitive motions of texting and typing can lead to general hand pain from underlying osteoarthritis." It doesn't necessarily cause osteoarthritis, but it may increase the symptoms. A condition called De Quervain's tenosynovitis may occur, which is a strain from overusing the thumbs from texting. These tendons and pulleys can become inflamed, increasing the risk of a trigger finger (stenosing tenosynovitis). The symptoms include pain and a thumb or other finger popping as it locks up. And you may lose the ability to flex the finger normally, especially the thumb, due to the severe inflammation.


Typing regularly may also cause pain, tingling, and numbness in the thumb or other digits as well. Other issues may include compressing a nerve near the elbow from leaning on them too much or neck and back pain from poor posture or looking down for long periods.


Short-term fixes for hand issues include hand splints, short-term use of an anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen, soaking your hand(s) in Epsom salts or even a mini detox bath, and possibly even a steroid injection. Some lotions contain Epsom salts, or you could compound your own combination. Consider taking breaks from the device(s) and exercising to stretch the tendons. You may also want to modify the way you use your electronics, such as with different fingers or a stylus, or even use voice commands.


For your back and neck, adjust your posture or make sure your positioning is ergonomically correct, keeping your gaze parallel to the floor. Take routine breaks and stretch your muscles frequently.


Of course, the best "treatment" for all of these issues is prevention. Although, this may not be the most practical solution.


"A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind."  

Morihei Ueshiba



In a spiritual sense, mindfulness is needed now more than ever. To reach a higher state of mind, letting go of attachment is needed, and with the greater dependency on digital devices, this is becoming increasingly harder to do. One of the biggest culprits to mindfulness is the cell phone. And especially social media. This has drawn an attachment or need in some people on which their emotions depend. It has also changed how communication now takes place. While there are many positive sides to social media, there are also strong downsides that hinder our spiritual nature. These include comparing, judging, envying, and depending, to name a few. None of these serve to enhance our spiritual life.


Remember to feed your spiritually hungry mind and be proactive on your spiritual journey. Perhaps connect with other authentic or spiritually-inspired people. Be sure to balance both sides of your life, as they are vital to your identity.


"More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate."  
Roy T. Bennett


"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."  

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


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